October 14, 2010

Fibrous Forms

My husband, David Crane and I are getting ready to hang/install our 2-person show, Fibrous Forms, at the 119 Gallery in Lowell. This is an incredible opportunity for us to work together, and for each of us to push our work outside its usual boundaries. David has been using wood in "fiber-like ways" and I've been making 3D pieces with cloth. Together we're doing an installation from pussy willow branches off the tree in our backyard, and another using crocheted threads and strips of wood (that's our postcard image). The show runs from October 19 - November 13, with a reception October 30 at 3 pm. Hope you get a chance to stop by! Directions and more info at the gallery's website www.119gallery.com


  1. The show is AMAZING!! We loved the audio, really enhanced the experience....and we LOVE your quote: "Wear the world like a loose garment." --Susan, Gwen & Connie

  2. The photos are wonderful! I have to insist you get the show up again so I can enjoy it the way it is meant to be enjoyed - LIVE! Congratulations on your first husband/wife art show. Wishing you many more! Your "sister" Nance
